As more states and provinces begin to adopt the EPPP 2 exam, it’s time to start getting prepared for the new examination for licensing psychologists. This exam is required for those applying for licensure in psychology in many jurisdictions in addition to the long standing EPPP.  The ASPPB released this new exam format to reflect changes in the psychology profession and to test several new competencies that correspond to the changing landscape of psychologist skills and duties

The EPPP 2 is a skill-based assessment covering the domains of Scientific Orientation, Assessment and Intervention, Relational Competence, Professionalism, Ethical Practice, and Collaboration, Consultation, and Supervision. This week, we’re focusing on the Relational Competence domain.

As the field of psychology becomes broader and more diverse, the ASPPB has added this section to ensure clinicians are prepared to enter into professional and clinical relationships, which are both meaningful and supportive to their clientele. The Relational Competence domain will ask questions related to relationship building in two different components - diversity and relationships. These components ensure psychologists can work with groups and individuals from diverse backgrounds and situations.

Part 1 of this domain will focus on your ability to take the theory and professional guidelines you learned in school and internship settings and apply them in a clinical setting. The exam will test whether you can follow professional guidelines and up-to- date research when working with diverse clientele. It will look at your ability to apply these skills with different cultures, while remaining respectful and aware of differences at individual, organizational and societal levels. Finally, you’ll need to show awareness of how your own identity impacts your work.

Part 2 of the Relational Competence domain examines your effectiveness at engaging in productive and meaningful work in a wide variety of settings ranging from individual clients to groups to communities. It’s important to demonstrate strong professional communication skills, empathy, and the ability to develop and maintain relationships with diverse clientele.

Part 3 of the Relational Competence domain will expect you to show high levels of professional respect in a variety of situations. This includes being able to work effectively with colleagues and clients who hold differing views from you. You’ll need to show you can ask questions and respectfully reach understanding with clients as a first step in relationship building.

Finally, Part 4 of the Relational Competence domain takes a look at your relationship building competence when experiencing professional conflict. Questions in this portion will gauge your effectiveness at managing disagreements and difficult client situations. This includes being able to identify and manage any reactions you experience when these difficult situations come up.

The psychology content experts at AATBS are hard at work preparing comprehensive and up-to-date EPPP 2 study materials and those materials will be launched soon. In the meantime, if you plan to take the EPPP before the EPPP 2 is adopted by your state, you can check out our study materials here.